We aim to provide all children with a learning environment that is play based, engaging, respectful and developmentally appropriate that will enable each child to begin their journey of being lifelong learners and responsible, compassionate global citizens. We are an authorised IB World school, implementing the Primary Years Program (PYP). Rated 'Exceeding', against the National Quality Standards, the Preschool offers a dedicated preschool program for 4 year old children, prior to entering Primary School.
Holy Trinity Early Learning Centre enables your child to take their first step into Catholic Education where:
Please click here to watch a short annimation on what PYP play-based learning looks like at Holy Trinity Early Learning Centre.
You can enrol online from May 2024, through the online enrolment link:
Click here to view the application form
To complete the application form, you will need to upload the following information. Original documents will need to be presented at the time of interview.
The minimum age for enrolment in a Preschool is 4 years by 30 April in the year of enrolment.
Submission of an application does not guarantee a place in your school of choice. An offer for your first choice of ACT Catholic Preschool will depend on your priority enrolment area.
A non-refundable application fee applies of $55 applies.
Once the application has been submitted, you will receive an email with the completed application. Please ensure this document is signed accordingly (all relevant legal guardians and parents) and submitted to the school at the time of interview.
Holy Trinity Preschool Handbook click here
Holy Trinity Preschool transition playgroup Stay and Play click here
Holy Trinity Preschool 2025 Fees click here
Child Care Subsidy (CCS) information click here
Wednsday 30th April - 9:30am to 11:00am and 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Thursday 8th May - 9:30am to 11:00am
ELC Director: Damien Montesin
Office Manager: Nancy Konidaris
Phone: +61 2 6281 7428
Email: elc.holytrinity@cg.catholic.edu.au
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